What are the main trends in education and science?

    • What are the main trends in education and science?

      ALMATY. March 29. Press center – What are the main trends in education and science? What are the current trends in these areas? In order to find answers to these and other questions, an international meeting will be held at the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University.

      The purpose of the online meeting is to scientifically and practically substantiate the directions of development of science and education in modern conditions and global issues.

      The conference with the participation of domestic and foreign scientists will be organized in 5 areas. In particular, the participants discussed «Issues of modern education in the context of globalization», «Actual problems and prospects of physical culture and sports», «Problems of continuity of preschool and primary education and upbringing in modern conditions», «Modern techniques and innovations in the practical psihologii», «Current problems of special education: innovative trends» sections and exchange views.

      It's worth noting that the international scientific-practical conference «Modern Trends in Science and Education» will be held on April 23 under the auspices of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine.

      A special collection will be published on the basis of materials received at the conference.

      You can download the information letter of the international scientific-practical conference «Modern trends in science and education» here.

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