QYZPU professors were awarded for outstanding work in the field of science

    • QYZPU professors were awarded for outstanding work in the field of science

      Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Lyazzat Adilbekova and Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Zharkynbike Suleimenova were awarded the badge "Ғылымды дамытуға сіңірген еңбегі үшін" for outstanding work in the field of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Honorary awards on behalf of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education were presented to the teachers by the Rector of the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University Gulmira Qanay.

      Lyazzat Adilbekova is engaged in scientific activities in the field of education and literary studies, regularly publishing her research in international scientific publications. Her works are devoted to the upbringing and education of young people, as well as analysing works of Kazakh literature. Her professionalism and dedication have not gone unnoticed - in 2004 she was awarded the Y.Altynsarin badge, and in 2016 she was awarded the Best University Teacher grant.


      Zharkynbike Suleimenova has also made a significant contribution to pedagogical science. Her research is aimed at introducing new teaching methods and developing curricula that help students better assimilate knowledge and develop their skills. She actively participates in scientific conferences, shares her experience with colleagues and contributes to improving the quality of education in Kazakhstan's universities. She was awarded with the sign "Excellent Educator of the RK", a two-time winner of the RK state grant "Best Teacher of Higher Education Institution".
