The lecture is given by PhD of Latvia Yuri Mastrikov

    • The lecture is given by PhD of Latvia Yuri Mastrikov

      Yuri Mastrikov PhD, leading researcher at the Institute of Solids, Latvian state university, holds a lecture, seminar on "Quantum chemical modeling of Functional Materials" at the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University.

      Mastrikov Yuri PhD, senior researcher at the laboratory "Kinetics and self-organizing systems" of the Institute of Solid states of Latvian State University. He was educated at the Max Planck Institute of Solid states (Stuttgart, Germany). Postdoctoral studies conducted at the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering of the University of Maryland in 2008-2010 (USA, Mariland).

      He is the author of more than 50 articles in highly reffered journals. Citation Index-1632.

      H – index-20.

       Yu. Mastrikov will  be held for students,  Master students and Doctoral students  seminars  and lectures on topic "Organization of research work. Methodology for developing articles for highly peer-reviewed journals".

      21.11.2022 in the main  building will held a scientific and methodological seminar for the teaching staff on the topic "Small polarons in PbX2" in 115 classrooms. Lectures and seminars for students, Master students  and doctoral students will held on 27.10.2022-23.11.2022.
